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Adding a Latch and Handle to your Case
Adding a Latch and Handle to your Case
Rob Sampson avatar
Written by Rob Sampson
Updated over 6 months ago


Step 1. In the toolbar, click on the tool labelled “Place”.

Step 2. Then select the latch you would like to apply to your case.

Step 3. The software will highlight the places that your latch can be placed on the case on each face.

Step 4. Choose which face you would like the latch to be placed and hover your mouse over the green highlighted latch position, doing this will turn the latch red.

Step 5. Click the red latch to confirm the position and the latch will turn blue.

Step 6. The Camera will then rotate to focus on the face you are placing your latch on.

Step 7. You can now fine tune the location of where you would like your latch to be placed which can be done 1 of 3 ways. These consist of:

Right/Left Measurement input ( located on the right hand side of the screen): Input the measurement that you require to be between the latch and the side of the case, as you input into one it will show you the measurement from the latch to the other side of the case. There is also a drop down box below the left and right input fields that is labelled “From”. This drop down box allows you to select where you would like the measurement for the latch location to be taken from. The options for this are the following:

Boundary: takes the measurement from the edge of the latch to the side of the case.

Centre: takes the measurement from the centre point of the latch to the side of the case.

Cut out : takes the measurement from the cut out that will be made to fit the latch into, to the side of the case.

Fixed Point measurements (located across the top of the screen) : From the left to right the values show selectable default measurements that will place the latch the amount shown from the left or from the right side of the case, it also allows you to place the latch in the centre of the case.

Note: the options of where the measurement is taken from mentioned in the previous step also affect this tool and where the measurement is taken from.

Freestyle: clicking the Latch and dragging it will allow you to place the latch wherever you desire. The Latch will also snap or align with any other hardware you currently have on the case.

Step 8. Locate the selection of buttons that consist of 2 sets of arrows and a green tick and red cross.

Step 9. The arrows allow you to rotate your chosen latch, some latches are unequal, meaning one side of the latch is longer than the other, this tool allows you to swap the latch around to your desired orientation.

Step 10. Once you have your latch in the location and orientation you require, you can now click on the green tick to confirm the installation of the latch into your case, or alternatively if you would like to cancel the operation you can select the red cross.


Step 1. Select the face on the viewing cube in the top right that you want to place your handle on to.

Step 2. The software will now focus on the face you to work on and place “anchor points” to your case, these points are a reference point that, if you resize the case, will keep the handle in place relative to the place you have selected.

Step 3. As per the instructions in the previous section, you have the options of “Right/Left Measurement input” , “Fixed Point measurements” & “Freestyle”.

Step 4. Once you have decided where your handle is going to be located, you can rotate it 90, 180, 270 degrees, left or right.

Step 5. Once you are happy with the placement and orientation, click the green tick to confirm the installation or alternatively if you would like to cancel the operation you can select the red cross.

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